Wednesday, July 2, 2014


I finally got a chance to chat with Ellie from Italy and Niklas from Germany. Ellie pointed out that I hide my mouth when I laugh out loud, and she told me to never conceal my smile again. Will do girlfriend!

She talked to me a lot about passion. We discussed how to be the people we have become off the Camino. When I turn my back at Finesterre and leave my old self behind, it does not end there for me. How do I follow my passions? How do I face my fears? How do I find time to silence noise and listen? What do I really want to do? Niklas and I made a pact to get tattoos, swim at Finesterre, go to San Fermin, and come back to do the Camino someday. I have become passion-obsessed and cannot stop thinking about it. I want them to change and develop. How do I make sure they are incorporated into my life?

The cities and towns keep getting better and better. I absolutely loved Astorga. It was the hardest city for me to walk away from. There was a wonderful garden, the locals invited us to a BBQ birthday party, and the hostel had a beautiful view from the terrace. Everyone was so hospitable. It was a loveable little town.

Niklas also made another promise - to make schnitzel! It was perfection. We bought everything for only twenty euros. We had potatoes, schnitzel with lemon, baguette with tomato and salt, and beer. It was seriously divine. He asked me to make him BBQ in Santiago, but I think he will be sorely disappointed.

We ate too many tapas during the USA v. Germany match. He was one happy German. We were cracking each other up and decided it was one of our favorite Camino days so far. It is unbelievable how soon this is over. I'm sad!

I have spoken with a few Europeans that say they will include the Camino as an accomplishment on their resume. I asked Niklas what he thought it would represent to potential employers. We decided on determination, drive, and the ability to think differently.

The experience has been awakening. I have had to be honest with myself about what I want. Normally I think 'Will I do it?' and my mindset has changed to 'How will I do it?' This mentality can't be something I leave in Spain. When Niklas and I choose our return date, will I have accomplished all of my dreams? Why do I ask for advice when I can follow my heart?  Frequently these kind of discussions will occur and we jokingly say, 'That's so Camino,' and we laugh about the direction our minds go and where our conversations drift.

I can't believe I have not travelled alone before this trip. It's great! I do what I want, when I want every single day! I have always wanted to hike Half Dome, but I have not convinced someone to go with me. Why don't I just go already? I'm doing it. Why is it custom to set New Years resolutions focusing on what I haven't been doing (working out, saving money, eating better) and have a theme I can positively apply to my life's experiences throughout the year instead?

Belinda told me she wants to return and be the kind of person that talks to her neighbor on a plane. For the first time I feel I am truly hearing names and stories. I want the people I speak with to feel like they are the most important thing in that moment, like how so many Camino friends have made me feel. I want to be as enriched, fearless, open, authentic, friendly, inquisitive, giving, and honest at home as I have been on the Camino.

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