Saturday, July 5, 2014

Sarria Not Sarria

Many pilgrims begin in Sarria, because it is near the 100k mark. Walking 100k (biking 200k) is the minimum needed to receive the Compostela (certificate of completion). In the morning at the albergue, a Spanish man was styling his hair. Very posh. I am looking more haggard with each passing day. We all have our luxury item. Mine are my jeans! I guess his is hair gel.

I saw Peter the teacher from day three or four. What a treat! His friend Terry got a parasite and had to bus part of the way. I would be devastated! Although now that I am so close, I don't think anything could stop me from walking the rest of the way.

I took an hour and a half break in Portomarin. It was a neat city on the river. When I bought a yogurt at the store the old man working gave me a spoon. What a difference a spoon makes! I was using my knife until I got nervous, and now I use my finger. I will eat my lemon yogurt like a proper lady.

Usually I buy coffee two hours into my morning, mostly because I have to use the restroom. Cafe con leche is amazing, and it is only one euro. I jokingly say I pay a bathroom tax, because I buy a little something a few times per day. I bought my coffee and a sweet at a tiny store and asked where the restroom was. She told me in Spanish it was to the left in a small, white house. When I couldn't find it, I asked again, thinking I misunderstood. I heard another woman ask earlier, and she couldn't find it either. I walked around and asked a local where this house was, and she didn't know what I was talking about. I saw the same lady at the next cafe, and I'm assuming she bought another coffee so she could use the restroom. This is an outrage! This woman scammed me into buying a delicious treat, knowing I had to use the restroom. She can't get away with this! I decided to take revenge. If I am going to be Queen of the Jungle, I will have to show her who's boss. I peed on her property. It was a spiteful pee. I hope her flowers die and her coffee turns cold!

I may have lost my mind. Too many days alone? 

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