Friday, December 23, 2016


I had a perfect last day in Cusco. Mick Williams the Australian sat down next to me at breakfast, and we chatted about our lives, Trump, and our plans for the day. We both were taking the night bus out, so we had eleven hours to kill. We went to San Pedro market and had juice from the juice ladies. We walked around the shops, he told me his favorite colors were red, black, and white, but not together. We people watched at a restaurant with a balcony overlooking Plaza de Armas while drinking beers.

He asked me who I would invite to a dinner party, and I said Thomas Jefferson, my dad, Oprah, Sheryl Sandberg, and Noor. He said I could have Noor join without it counting as one of the five. We went to the bank, where he told me he had commitment issues. In high school, his girlfriend slept with his best friend. Yikes! We went to Jenny's to pay her for my plane ticket from Cusco to Lima. The conversation never stopped flowing. He was vulnerable, interesting, but not showy. We sat on a bench where people tried to sell us stuff. He got his shoes cleaned for five soles even though they weren't the type of shoes that could really be shined. I laughed.

We tried to go to a lounge bar but got kicked out since they were cleaning it. We joked about me dying in the jungle and he said a beautiful eulogy for me - that I was open, giving, uninhibited, willing to learn. It touched me that in such a short amount of time I was able to leave that impression on a stranger. I took him to garbage river and he told me he thought I'd be a great travel companion. We took the flier for a chocolate tasting place and he bought us a sample plate. We talked about our relationships, traveling, music, our parents, our best friends. He looked up a place on tripadvisor and we headed to fancy restaurant in our travel clothes and drank piscos and ate cuy (guinea pig!) and told stories. We then had to jet back to our hostel to grab our bags. We didn't get a chance to say goodbye, and I felt bad I wasn't able to wish him well since we had such a lovely day.

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