Sunday, August 20, 2017

Google Translate Breakup

Although my time at Rosemary was mostly rainbows, sunshine, peace, and love, I did have one scary/weird/bizarre day.

I climbed the mountain past Rosemary Rock down to a secluded nude beach called Galheta Beach. It was my ideal day. I "did sport" in the morning (as Timothy would say), put on my bathing suit and my hiking boots, hiked for an hour, and took a nap on the beach. 

I was laying out on my back when I woke up suddenly to a person staring at me through the vegetation behind me. I closed my eyes and opened them again and he rustled in the bushes! The person looked young and I thought, fuck. Imma bout to get robbed. I put on my clothes faster than Shaggy and ran to the middle of the beach so he couldn't jump out and grab me. There is only one way off the beach, which is up the mountain, and I didn't want him to follow me, so I decided to walk along the beach to the end while I figured out what to do. 

There was another man that looked like he was going to come talk to me but I ignored him. He followed me. When I reached the edge of the beach, I figured I had to talk to the older man. I told him I didn't speech Portuguese; he asked if I was Argentinian. I wondered if he was trying to tell me about the guy in the bushes. I walked away and the dude followed me. WTF. I decided to sit down against a large rock so the bush guy couldn't see me while I put on my shoes. I kept my eye on the older guy, who had stopped when I stopped. Then to my horror, he dropped trou and started masturbating. Men are the grossest!

I put on my boots and hustled up the mountain. I put my phone in my bra and decided that if anyone tried to rob me I would just throw my backpack at them. I made it back to Rosemary safely, but was spooked. I decided to stay there for the rest of the afternoon and process the morning's events on the hammock. 

I chilled on the hammock for two hours. This guy kept coming out on the deck to see if the hammock was available. After the third or fourth try, he came over to chat, but he didn't speak any English so he asked if I had google translate. We were passing the phone back and forth and then all of a sudden he tried to kiss me! I said no no no and he still went for it, so I face palmed him. When I lifted my hand I lost my balance on the hammock so I was swinging and limbs were flying. I was genuinely confused. 

I told Kayo Luiz that I had to go inside, where I met his friend, Lucas Tilhaqui. He was fluent in English, so we got on quite well and Kayo felt left out and got mad. It was weird.

We all went downstairs to the common space and Kayo asked if I wanted to go grab food with him. I had already eaten so I said no, but he said it would be rapido so I said ok and asked if Lucas would join but he said no. It started to get dark and then I decided against it. Kayo lost it. He started yelling at his friend in Portuguese and told me he was leaving to go stay with a friend. WUT. We broke up over google translate and I was like LATER. 

After he left, Lucas and I had gigz for about an hour and then KAYO CAME BACK to apologize. Timothy asked me the next day what the deal was and when I told him I had no clue. Timothy told me he heard Lucas and Kayo talking about a cocaine deal that had fallen through and that is why Kayo got so agro. But Kayo told me he didn't do drugs! So men are the grossest and they're liars.

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