Ronceban consisted of a hippie commune on top of a hill. There was no wifi in the entire village, and one of them told me the pueblo is quiet nine months out of the year. I ordered the vegetarian pilgrim's menu, which included hummus! It was a welcome switch-up.
I believe my lips are having a reaction to the amount of salt in the food. I am beginning to look like Angelina Jolie.
I laid in a field on the hilltop while I enjoyed the view. One of the hospitaleros, or albergue volunteers, finished the Camino and liked Ronceban so much he came back to live there. He told me they specialize in yoga that awakens the sexual self, and they were offering it at eight am the following morning. The class consisted of a lot of fire breathing, and at the end the teacher tucked us into a blanket like a mummy. It was definitely a different way to begin a day of hiking. I was proud of the boys for attending. At the end of class, I saw the teacher kiss two of the female residents. Things got weird! There was love in the air. I saw chicks, puppies, and kittens. Everyone seemed to be getting down at the compound.
I hiked to the highest point on the Camino, although it certainly did not feel like it. I left a rock at Cruz Ferro and made a wish. I placed mine next to the rocks from some dudes named Javier, Emilio, and Victor. I liked that they had Latin names. As we ascended and descended the mountain, it rained on me for the first time. A good friend once told me to walk in the rain because it is cleansing, so I happily took in the experience. I stumbled into a small cafe where I had the best cup of coffee of my life. We all gathered inside to get out of the rain. Folks dried off in front of the fireplace. Is this what non-Californians experience when it rains and snows? It was picturesque. Rain hiking makes me a true peregrino. I wouldn't dare hike in those conditions at home, but I had a good time. It was playful and a little absurd.
Other thoughts of the day:
I take back every negative thought I have ever had about the weight of my fleece. It is a godsend!
I only know the entire lyrics of a few songs. I thought I knew a whole lot more, but without the instrumental, I am nothing.
I have been invited to join a Hastings Dungeons and Dragons crew. DREAMS DO COME TRUE.
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